Harvest Orange 24/52

By Owlandtwine

This time of year I begin the final work of putting the garden beds to rest.  There's something wonderfully calming about picking and pulling, releasing from the ground root balls and shaking the excess dirt back into the ground.  I find myself silently pondering next year's plantings.  I think back on our summer evenings bright in my mind, still.  These vegetables of ours brushed with olive oil and spices transforming into pure deliciousness on the hot grill.  The rows and rows of tomatoes I have lined up currently in our windows, the late abundant harvest ripening.  Today I will pick heirloom corn, beets, the last planting of radishes, for they say snow my fall tonight.
In a final nod to all that is well and good about life these days, especially after a day spent working outside, I love to sit and enjoy the flavors of a good crisp, spicy pumpkin ale.   Preferably in the company of laughter, golden light, leaves swirling to the ground.
{My harvest pumpkin ale recs:  Buffalo Bill's Brewery and Blue Moon Brewing Co.} 52 Photos Project