Harry Hubbard - Paul Shaffranke - Dead Sea Scrolls Knights Templar Israel Scandal

Posted on the 26 June 2015 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
corroborating the ancient-seafaring claims of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett (Arthur the Welsh King, 492 AD in America and the Khumric People), Harry Hubbard shows how the whole of Modern History was re-written in the 18th 19th century. This is probably the first sign of a Globalist Banker Take-over of the so-called Royal Lineages of the day. You can watch it for yourself in the video (from 1994, below) but this post's about the content of the latter half of the video where Paul Shaffranke goes into the scandal of the Qumran or Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • Dating from 200 BC to 50 AD or so
  • Discovered in Qumran just after the formation of Israel (1947)
  • Written in Block Hebrew Cursive Script not Cursive Phoenician
  • Written on Vermillion Sheepskin not papyrus

Hebrew Block Script was created in Petra in the first century AD, then in the 2nd 3rd century AD the Syrian Semitic script came about. 800 AD is the date of first appearance of Cursive Hebrew Block Script. Now 800 AD is ONE THOUSAND YEARS LATER than the writing on the earlier Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran.
Paul Schaffranke details problems with archaic Punic inscriptions and provides the origin and basis for a newly morphed form of language called "Hebrew" as he combs through problems with the Dead Sea Scrolls Manuscripts. Never before revealed data obliterates and destroys modern Semitic Scholars, as the issue unfolds of why the DSS are shrouded in secrecy, and kept from the public at large.

Who ruled Jerusalem in the 11th 12th century? The Knights Templar states Schaffranke. Shaffranke also talks about the Divided/Conqered aspect of 'denominational Christianity/Islam'. And we all know of the Wars of Templars, The Crusades. Oh, but wait a minute, Shaffranke states that the release/discovery of the DSS coincided with the Formation of Israel after the Second World War, so why did the political/religious tacticians not release them BEFORE this date? I'm (obviously) starting to question or lose faith but decide for yourself by watching the fascinating presentation.

"The J did not exist in anceint times," is a cracking quote. As long as the bickering continues, Religion will have done its Job. I also don't like Scheffranke's IT MUST BE ALIENS line, either. Agnostically speaking, one can't explain 'god' with 'aliens' when neither are known to exist. It's a straw man for a straw man...
FURTHER IBERIC/KHUMRIC SCRIPT THOUGHTS: You know, I wanna believe these NEW FORENSIC ARCHEOLOGISTS can find real untold truths where Written History has let us down, but mostly these people tend to turn out to be intentional or unwitting SNAKEOILSALESMEN. I wish some TRUTH would just arrive in some historical form we can all learn about.
As Schaffranke goes on about tablets/stones plastered with Iberic Scripts, from Spain/North Africa, should I introduce Shaffranke/Hubbard to Wilson/Blackett's KHUMRIC LANGUAGE ideas?