Harris Tweed iPad Case & Matching Harris Tweed Wallet

By Prbtweedfeed @PRBTweedFeed

Simply gorgeous, iPad and wallet set from Harris Tweed

Harris Tweed iPad Case & Wallet

As you can see from the pictures, both pieces are hand crafted and both pieces carry the Harris Orb Classic Label, cannot get better quality, the finest tweed in the world, combined with genuine leather Hyde, hugging your iPad

The wallet has 8 card slots, 4 each side, with pockets underneath for your receipts, as well as a classic split paper money compartment
The iPad case and wallet are made from Angus Harris Tweed handwoven in the Outer HebrediesFor security and style, the wallet doing the same job for your money, cards and work passes

The leather binding around the rim of the iPad case insures longevity, and protects both the tweed and your iPad……