This past Sunday, I took myself and my bargain-hunting girlfriends to Borders for their liquidation sale and found us some fab deals! Magazines were 40% off and I was able to snag a copy of the Harper’s Bazaar Best Covers (1867 – 2011) issue for almost half the price!—perfect coffee table reading material.

November 1867

December 1959
Harper’s Bazaar has been famous for its covers since it began in 1867. So much time and thought goes into the construction of a magazine cover—it’s personally one of my favorite art forms. As I was flipping through the pages, it was fascinating to see how the classic magazine has evolved in the span of 144 years through the direction of different editors to it’s current editor Glenda Bailey (2001 to present). Here are some other cover spotlights:
December 1962
The December 1962 issue above creatively showcases sparkly “Indian-inspired earrings set against a curtain of glossy chestnut hair” that makes us zoom right to the earrings.
August 2009
Kate Winslet’s High Fashion Cover in the Aug 2009 subscribers issue helped the magazine garner MIN’s editorial & design award for Cover Design. Notice that the concept is similar to the 1959 December issue! This is one of my favs:) When you see a magazine on the rack, what image or copy makes it a MUST-HAVE?