Harmonic Truths

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I am truly blessed and that comes along with being a very good person who has led a genuinely clean life within distinction and harmony within my own personal legitimate universe and spirituality, no one has anything on me and no one can and will ever be able to touch me because I am shielded and protected by much love, respect and authority (Divinity) just as many of us that are grounded within the foundation and truth of what “is” in relation to our own existence, journey, and destiny.

I love and enjoy having a peaceful life and never having to personally be bothered with undesirables although we as positive and/or anointed people have to here and there constantly by nature hold our own and defeat as well as fight up against the negative people and evil principalities as they both go hand and hand that we come into contact with in our profession or daily outings that is just an unfortunate part of life within this realm, however, we are equip for each and every battle.

Keeping busy and maintaining adequate amounts of rest while living my life requires harmonic balance and consistent faith in what will carry me through. It is so fantastic how when we are authentic and unwavering as individuals how it magnetically draws the continuance of a loyal sustaining ongoing natural energy of perseverance and advantage. With the never ending fortunate outcomes there is never any doubt as long as one never fails to defeat their own purpose within the definition that is unto them.
