“Harassment at WorkPlace”: Factor That Stop Bosses to Hire Women Employees

Posted on the 08 May 2018 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22

Women harassment at workplace is the very common evil phenomenon that often goes overloaded and unpunished at a workplace. Plenty of cases have occurred where women coming forth with complains of sexual harassment at workplace and most of the victims don’t want to share it with anyone one else, most importantly to their bosses, because of fear, humiliation, and not having a solid proof against the culprit. However, it’s been reportedly stated that there are many states in the world such as India where bosses are afraid of hiring women employees because of sexual harassment claims.

Stats about Women Harassment at a workplace

In October 2017, a woman has taken a step on social media and she has raised her voice after being harassed at the workplace. Her “MeToo” movement, fortunately, went viral and females from all around the world have come forward to support the social media movement. Women have started sharing their experience of being harassed sexually, verbally and in many other forms by their colleagues, bosses, and senior employees. Dramatically, the entertainment industry and media organizations have been found on the top where females especially harassed.

  • Almost 81% of the women employees have experienced sexual harassment in their life, according to the online survey that has been launched in the January 2018 by nonprofit organization Stop Street.
  • As we know hackers have created corporate chaos, similarly people that used of harassing women at a workplace are creating chaos among the workplace working chaos for women.

Numbers are far greater than the post polls and surveys, the latest ones are coming with the large figures of women harassment at workplace, says Anita Raj Director of the Center on Gender Equality and Health at University of California San Diego. 

  • 3 out of 4 women faces verbal abused or harassed at the workplace, according to the shared of the respondents that have experienced different forms of harassment at workplace. Now further tend towards the kinds of women harassment at workplace.

(a) Kinds of Women Harassment at a workplace

Verbal Sexual harassment

It is defined as an improper use of privilege in order to verbally abuse to women at the workplace. It is usually done with the excessive use of language to undermine women’s dignity and security with insult or humiliation in a sudden or repeated manner.

77% of the women have faced verbal sexual harassment at workplace.

Unwelcome sexual touching

Young women working as the manager, employee or at any other designation being touched by the senior employee or by the employer against the norms and values or against the victim’s will at a workplace.

51% of the women worldwide have faced unwanted sexual touching at workplaces.

Cyberbullying or cyber sexual harassment

Technology has introduced the cyberspace and the communication tool such as instant messaging apps. These social media platforms are largely used in the business enterprises or at workplaces. So, most of the employees use these social media platforms to harass fellow female colleague in chat conversations and text messages.

41% of the women cyberbullied or have faced cyber sexual harassment at workplace.

Sexual Harassment

It is simple harassment that mostly happened with the women at a workplace that is basically sexual in nature and it further includes unwanted sexual advances, conduct or behavior. It is not less than unlawful discrimination and law has existed against the evil activity. It is one of the most hostile ways of harassment at workplace and it can also create a hostile work environment for the victim and even some time for the culprit as well.

It can happen at the workplace by the culprit such as sharing of sexual content on the social messaging apps, posting sexual posters, and sexual comments verbally and sexual gestures and by invading sexual space as well.

Quid Pro QUO Sexual Harassment

It is basically exchanged –based sexual harassment against the women at the workplace. If the job is being offered to women employee on the condition that she partake in some form of sexual conduct, that’s why it refers is quid pro-sexual harassment. Mostly the senior employees working with the employers having the privilege to deal with the recruitment may offer something of value in exchange for the sexual favor is known as quid pro quo sexual harassment.

(b) Victim Women usually suffers after being harassed at a workplace

Anxiety, depression, and stress are the common signs among the victims

According to the polls shared online by the nonprofit organization Stop Street stats, 31 of women feel anxious, depressed. 23% of the women have to bear the harassment due to their personal financial reasons. 9% changed their jobs or sought new job assignment and 7% of the victim women have to have medical help such as counseling. 5% of the women don’t participate in online forums offered by the organization for social activities and only 1% of the women tend to the confrontation with a person.

Bosses have stopped to hire Women employees at a workplace

Obviously, no one wants to have problems in the workforce within the working hours. Bosses have to keep going in order to keep their productivity up without making anyone’s victim that are involved in harassment against the women employee. However, workplace bullying is on the rise and bosses have to take care of it.

Most of the bosses don’t aware of the fact that who is real culprit a woman who is pretending to be a victim or a senior employee that has been allegedly involved in sexual harassment against a women employee. The lack of supervision and maybe the lack of time or interest don’t knock at the bosses mind to do justice when it comes to the case of women harassment at workplace.

However, it is been reportedly stated that in most of the countries such as India: the largest country in the world here young women harassed at the regular basis at a workplace and even on the streets.  Bosses are least interested and afraid of hiring women to avoid sexual claims.

Expert’s opinion to stop Women harassment at workplace

Revive your policy: Not hiring women is not the solution

Bosses just need to revive their policy if it already exists in company’s code of conduct. Make changes if needed about the norms and values working with the females staff. Strictly address your staff if the violation has happened the consequences would be the sewer.

Train Your Staff

Simply train your staff that how to be good professional and make them realize your employees, female staff is country’s half population that cannot be ignored.

Revive your internal complain system

However, a victim can complain secretly to the bosses with evidence rather than just making judgments and putting blame on someone who doesn’t even aware of the evil activity.  Simple past a sign “such as smoking is prohibited” as “workplace harassment against women is the crime”.

Impose Employee monitoring at a workplace

There is a dire need to introduce the rising trendy of spying at a workplace and it will really help out the bosses to do the justice when it comes harassment at workplace. Bosses can impose monitoring at each and every single activity an employee has done in the workplace or even on the company’s owned devices. Bosses should know what is happening at workplace even in their absence. They need to know what their male and female employees are doing at the moment and what the reasons behind their mood swings are. They can use webcams at a workplace that do surveillance of the activities performed by the employees within entire working hours. Scrutinizing the employees’ work rate is enough, employers have to impose monitoring to tackle social issues at a workplace.

What about employee activities on company’s owned devices

Monitor employees with a cell phone and computer spy app

They can use cell phone and computer surveillance software in order to stay updated about each and every single activity of your male and female employees within the working hours. They can track cell phone calls of the employees on companies owned gadgets such as Android, iOS and blackberries can listen and record the secret phone calls with secret phone calls recorder of the mobile spy app.

This will help out bosses to know what your employee is talking about and to whom they are talking with on company’s owned mobile phones, tablets and on pads to avoid third-party harassment to the women at the workplace. Moreover, cyberbullying at workplace against the female can be monitored with IM’s social media of the cell phone surveillance software. It will enable a user to view logs of target employees installed instant messaging apps on company’s owned smartphone.

A user will be able to view IM’s logs such as chat conversations, private messages, audio and video conversations, shared media and Voice messages. However, an employer can also track email sent or received on the company’s owned gadgets and a user can read emails of Gmail sent or received by the male and female employees. Spy 360 live surround listening enables you to know what employees are talking behind your back

Moreover, bosses can use phone bugging to hack the MIC of the phone to listen and record the surround sounds and Voices in the surrounds on the target cell phone with MIC bug app. You can also use a spyvidcam bug to view the surround visuals of the target person cell phone and get to know what is happening in the surrounds.

The computer surveillance software empowers the bosses to record live screen of the target MAC device of the employee and user can view what is happening on the computer device screen. Bosses can listen to the surround conversations with MIC bug of the MAC tracking software that will let a boss listen to the employee’s hidden conversations in their absence.

Bosses can also use the real-time monitoring tool of the windows spy software to know the each and every single activity happen on your male and female computer machines. Bosses can remotely spy on text messages of the employee’s company’s owned gadgets with text messages spy such as iMessages, SMS, MMS, and BMM chat messages.


Having such type of surveillance on company’s owned gadgets and computer devices; you will stay updated with your workforce including women working for staff. Resultantly, you will get to know, if the women harassment at workplace has taken place via companies provided gadgets and computer connected to the cyberspace and you can easily catch the culprit to the fullest.