Happy New Year from The Book Review!
The Book Review is taking this day off to be with family and friends. But, I will be back tomorrow with more reviews and features.
As we embark on a new year, I thought this would be a good time to explain the direction my book blog will take in the upcoming year.
2017 was an unusual year for me reading wise. As many may have noticed, the heavy rotation of romance features slowed to a trickle, as nonfiction, biography and more serious fiction took its place.
I still read lots of mystery, psychological thrillers, romantic suspense and cozies. What will 2018 bring?
I hope clear up some series I lost track of, add more classics, and continue to broaden the scope of my reading.
Of course, I will still add romance and mystery, perhaps a bit of retro here and there, and because Flashback Friday is so popular, as is the Monday Musical Spotlight, I will continue those features as long as there is interest.
Also, one quick note: I review books from Netgalley, Edelweiss, and from my personal collection as well as personal library loans. I have excused myself from most street teams, save one or two. I also severed ties with all blog tour companies and am strictly freelance. As you will see I update my blog Monday-Friday, closing on weekends and all major holidays. As of this writing I am no longer accepting new request for features, interviews, guest blogs, or reviews. This blog is dedicated to books only.
I hope each and every one of my readers will have a safe and happy new year!!