
By Lwblog @londonwalks

In Scotland there’s a famous New Year tradition known as “first footing”. To go first footing is to visit friends and neighbours in their homes just after the stroke of midnight. If you are the first visitor of the new year, you are known as the First Foot.
When first footing, it is considered very bad luck to arrive at someone’s house empty handed, as this will bring ill fortune upon the family home. A lump of coal and a black bun (a heavy, rich fruitcake) are the traditional gifts to bring when first footing.
Someone seems to have gone first footing here in London…
These famous footprints sum up London in 2012. They belong to none other than Wenlock, the Olympic mascot who, along with Paralympic mascot Mandeville, brightened up our London streets this summer.
Happy New Year to London Walkers and Daily Constitutionalists everywhere! We’ll see you out there in 2013!