Happy Winter Solstice!

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

December 21st marks the Winter Solstice. This day marks the return of lighter days and the coming Spring. Winter is a time of renewal, reflection and rest. The Solstice is a time to celebrate and make plans for Spring.

What are your plans? I’ll be working on revisions to book 4 – Reborn in Shadow to finish out the year. In the months leading to Spring, I’ll send book 4 to my editor and I’ll write and send the final book in the Shadow Walkers Series to my editor as well. The final book, Book 5, is titled Embraced by Shadow. Yes, all my patient fans, it’s time for Monroe’s story. And time to find out the fate of all humanity. Who will win the Walker War?

As Spring comes, I’ll start work on a new trilogy. It takes place in North Carolina and is about three friends surviving the end of the world as we know it. They are so unprepared for what’s coming!

Cheers and Happy New Year!

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