Happy Weekend.

By Simonea
 Sunday morning.Sun is shining....the boys are at rugby, my teenage daughter is asleep.Apart from what I have realised is the rather loud hum of the kitchen appliances, the house is silent. I wish I could be up & awake ahead of everyone everyday, the world feels so good at that time of the day...something to aim for I think.
So right now it's just me & the laptop.  Or rather....my husband's notebook-laptop-thingy which I am using just for today, since my own laptop crashed mysteriously while I was catching up on "Homeland" four days ago....I still haven't finished that episode, not that it would have made me more au fait with the latest happenings.Love that series, miss Brody but love Carrie...do I feel slightly confused 90% of the time when watching the show, yes!
 So, no laptop right now.....and, no glasses for at least a few more days, this is not so good.I have only recently started wearing glasses for reading....I quite enjoy wearing them, although I often forget that I have them & I don't always use them, they're clearly still quite a novelty.Clearly my need for them must have increased though, because I travelled on the Tube during the week went to read my book & couldn't because the print was too small....not good.Cue endless people watching on the London Underground, not such a bad thing ;)
 What I would really like to be doing with my Sunday is heading across Hampstead Heath & holing up in a nice cosy pub for Sunday lunch....alas, the weather is good & we must paint : chairs, a cabinet & a wall. The absence of my laptop has inevitably freed me up to do other things, as it always does, amazing how much "free" time you suddenly have ;)I'll be in town a couple of days this week for some press previews....I also want to see the incredible poppies at the Tower of London & see some of the fabulous Christmas displays that are starting to appear in the shops, I especially love London at this time of year. For now though, I keep working slowly with this unfamiliar laptop, peering away  Happy Weekend....