Happy Valentine's Day and Fed Up with the Weather...

By Elizabethwix

Definitely need flowers...

the first anemones I've bought this year.

A very good season for reading - a lot.

The weather is still beastly and a snow storm is expected tomorrow night - and as for the poor people who live in Boston - they expect a blizzard. Currently it's -3'C - . This picture was taken yesterday through the grubby roof window of a taxi.... heading towards...

Eric Kayser - purveyor of little hearts to dream on...

and huge ones.

The dog has retreated to his bed with the pelts of his bunny and lobster.

I'm so bored I've started playing with my food. Here  a bearded pecan cookie with lettuce hair designed by me.

This pecan cookie designed by Margaret Trombly is more cheerful and elegant. When not playing with food with me, Margaret gives talks on art at The Met...