Happy Tummys make for Happy Kids: Nutrition Bars
Happy Tummys make for Happy Kids: Nutrition Barspawansoni June 9, 2017 0 comments 6 view
A few weeks ago I happened to chance upon Happy Tummys nutrition bars for kids, at a store. The packaging was so inviting and bright that my children picked two boxes immediately, almond date and peanut butter raisin while I decided to pick the remaining two flavours, apple cranberry and malty banana.
Now just because these bars are meant for kids, that wasn’t stopping me! I tucked in quite readily and took a bite of each bar (yes only one, cross my heart…). The malty banana was chewy and the right amount of gooey and I enjoyed it immensely. However, my kids found it a little tough to chew. Leaving them at room temperature for a tad longer would’ve probably done the trick. Each flavor is exactly what it claims to be and each bite makes you feel, if possible, healthier! We were hooked for sure!
Divya took it upon herself, much to the delight of parents like me, to start her own line of healthy snacks for young ones and voila, Happy Tummys was born. She painstakingly created each recipe in her kitchen; these nutrition bars are free from sugar or artificial sweeteners, preservatives essentially all natural. She completed several successful trials before launching them nationwide. And talk about putting your money where your mouth is, her son eats them every day!
A pack of five bars is priced at 225 rupees and one can also buy a set of three mini bars for just 59 rupees, which is excellent for those who wish to sample first. Happy Tummys plans to launch more snacks including savoury ones in the near future. Now, some young ones (and grownups) may take some time acquiring a taste for these bars but I have a feeling they’ll be soon succumb to these scrumptious and nourishing treats.
These days I gift packs to friends and family. After all, there is no better gift than that of tasty and nutritious food.
Tags Divya Sethi Happy Tymmy Happy Tummys Happy Tummys Nutrition Bar
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