Happy Spring! Still Cold Here…and Snow!

By Principessagabriella @Gabriella31691
Ciao dears!
   While it was the first day of Spring yesterday according to the calendar, the weather here in Pennsylvania does not agree.  It’s pretty cold, like 40 degrees.  These pictures are from mid February though…not that long ago…  There are a ridiculous amount of pictures in this post… aren't there always?! ha…oh well.  I was playing dress up a bit with this outfit.  I like the layers and textures with leather (or pleather?) and lace and the sheer skirt.  It also snowed that day and I wanted to get some pictures in it because I adore the snow and it’s pretty.   Enjoy!  Comment and tell me what you think. 



Lace top: Rainbow, (P)leather top: Charlotte Russe, Red skirt: Deb, Black sheer skirt & Necklace: Forever 21, Heeled black booties: Lane Bryant, Flat black thigh-high boots: Lane Bryant, Tights: Target, Hat: Lane Bryant (maybe?)
   ♥♥ Xoxo Gabriella