Happy Spring.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

The spring issue of The Violet is up! Hurrah! We’ve got just over 100 pages of content this time around, including but not limited to: delicious recipes, love stories, terrariums, rainy day updos, beautiful parties, and much much more.

Here’s a little excerpt from my personal essay in our new Explore section (you didn’t think I was done talking about Greece, did you?!)….

I can’t remember exactly when my love affair with Greece began. Probably sometime after seeing Mama Mia, if I’m being totally honest. At the risk of sounding dramatic, there was something about watching Meryl Streep dance across the blue and white calderas that spoke directly to my soul.

On our second wedding anniversary, my husband and I sat down to dinner in Capitola and crafted a pre-baby bucket list on a cocktail napkin. We were half joking and half serious at the time—throwing out a combination of wildly unrealistic and silly ideas to accompany the legit tasks we wanted to accomplish before becoming parents. However, our number one item on the list was always nonnegotiable in my eyes.

“There is no way I am getting pregnant until you take me to Greece,” I told him confidently.

….read the rest here, page 31. Happy reading, and happy spring!