Happy New Year!!!!!!

By Slimshoppin @slimshoppin

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all my blog readers out there. It’s been a busy winter so far – I haven’t posted as much as I wanted to, but I hope to change that in the new year.

I know a ton of people have new years resolutions – I normally don’t make resolutions, but I do have some goals for 2014!

*Make going to the gym a weekly priority. I sometimes think I don’t have time to go to there (well that’s frequently my excuse!) But, if I have time to watch TV, read blogs, go on Facebook, I certainly have time to work out.

*Lift more weights than cardio. I am going to start from this site. WWW.BODYBUILDING.COM. You can choose a plan that looks good to you and best of all – it’s free! I like lifting weights, so I think that it will be fun.

*Volunteer more. My son had to do volunteering as part of a high school class he was taking and we ended up working at the local food pantry as a family and it really was rewarding. My mind kept spinning about what I would make with the food that is offered. I would love to make some kind of recipe guide for them!

*Do more family outings. As our kids are getting older and doing many different things in different directions, I’d like to find more family fun days to bring us all back together (no phones, computers or internet!)

*Minimilize my life more. When I moved a few years ago, I got rid of a ton of stuff that was cluttering my life that I never touched – or needed! I’m starting to accumulate more junk, so that’s going to be another goal – donate to those who can use it more!

*And of course, I’m going to be looking for more food related volunteering. I’m going to work at the high school culinary competition again in February at Kendall College and of course no year will be complete without Chicago Gourmet.

*Meet as many celebrity chefs to add to my list! Living in Chicago – I have to find more book signings, food competitions, cooking demos to go to.

What’s some of your goals I would love to hear about!!!