My goodness! What a holiday season it has been for us. I’m sorry I have not had many posts/recipes but I will get back to it soon. Let me explain:
On Christmas Eve, my mother’s best friend – also the lady who made Top Girl’s wedding dress – passed away. She was 88 and while at her church’s Christmas service had a stroke and shortly after passed away. The funeral was Friday after Christmas.
Friday night around 10 PM Top Girl’s great-grandmother passed away at 95. She was a spectacular woman who welcomed me into their family when I was a teenager and has kept me in the family even though I really do not belong anymore. She was loud and always making jokes – a lot like me – and I will miss her terribly. Today is her funeral in my hometown. I am going with Top Girl because SIL and Rocket will be attending a Korean ceremony commemorating the 1st anniversary of SIL’s father’s death.
I got up early this morning to make a post – duck tacos that were fabulous – to find an email from my cousin, Dana. She lives next door to her niece whose home is 2 story and Dana’s sister Pam (my other cousin) and her husband live on the second floor of this large home as sort of an apartment. Pam was recoving from a brain bleed recently and her husband from open heart surgery 8 weeks ago. I don’t have all the details but the 2nd floor caught on fire and while everyone got out, Pam’s husband had to jump out the 2nd story window and broke his back. He was hospitalized.
After the funeral on the east side of our state, we will be driving to the west side of the state where cousins live to see what assistance we can offer.
This all puts into perspective how I was moaning and groaning about the washer breaking yesterday!
This has all been kind of a downer and I hesitated before I wrote it but I wanted to let everyone know I had not been neglecting y’all – just busy.
It is already the New Year in Australia and so it begins – Happy New Year all and let’s all hope for a great year! I’ll be back in the new year with some really great recipes!!