Happy Mother's Day: Why I Love Being a Dog Mom

By Pawsforreaction @PawsForReaction
Happy Mother's Day: Why I love being a dog mom
Happy Mother's Day: Why I love being a dog mom Paws For Reaction

As many of you know I'm a very lucky dog mom to Hazel and Keira, my two Saint Bernese mountain dogs. While Keira isn't living with me right now, I feel very fortunate to have both of my loving dogs in my life. I don't think I could make it through each day without my fur-babies.

This Mother's Day I will be spoiling my mom (from afar via physical distancing and online shopping) but I'd also like to give a shout out to all of the dog moms. Some of us may not be 'real' moms, but our dogs are our family just the same. I personally would much rather be a dog mom, but all moms are amazing! I'm the person I am today because of my mom. She raised me herself and never gave up on me. She is also a dog mom! Dogs enrich our lives in so many ways.

Happy Mother's Day: Why I love being a dog mom Paws For Reaction

Why I love being a dog mom

  • While I can teach my dogs lots of things, I'll never have to put them through college! The fact that Keira can play dead and Hazel can catch treats in mid-air is a big enough accomplishment for me.
  • I'm never short on snuggles. My dogs never went through a 'don't touch me, I hate you' phase. Hazel lives to snuggle me.
  • My dogs give me unconditional love. NO ONE is happier to see me than Hazel. When I come home from work she bounces and talks to me, telling me all about her day I'm sure.
  • Speaking of talking, no back talk! I'm lucky to have dogs that barely ever bark, let alone ask me 16 times if I can get them a toy out of the gumball machine.
  • They are down for anything and just happy to be included.
  • When people come over and my dog brings them one of her toys- it's the sweetest thing ever. It's the canine equivalent of hospitality.  
  • My dogs are my biggest protectors and make me feel safe.
  • My dogs have gotten me through some very difficult and lonely times. Dogs are so good for mental health, and I don't know how I would have made it through without them.
  • They're hilarious! Especially Hazel and her crooked face.
  • Dogs make the best sleep buddies. 
  • Watching dogs discover and explore the world around them is so entertaining.
  • Lastly, my dogs remind me to be grateful for the little things, to lighten up, and to love hard and forgive fast.

The only thing I'm not crazy about is sharing my food. Wishing all of the 'real' moms a very Happy Mother's Day! As for the dog moms, you have a wonderful day too!

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