Happy Mother's Day!

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

Here's to Mother's Day. The day we all remember we "birthed" our children and couldn't wait to watch them grow up and we would all become some Norman Rockwell family. NOT. lol
I don't know about the rest of you mothers but I didn't make it to the hospital in time for an epidural. Either time! Sure I went for the narcotics while the nurse was spewing info about it really isn't 'good for the baby'. I asked the nurse if it was legal, she said yes, then I said "give it to me or DIE!". Then I was able to kick back and get through the pain without killing anyone. My own mother remarked how I didn't use the "F" word but just a few times.
Every Mother's Day we get a card or gift or if you are lucky, both. Breakfast in bed or brunch after church. Maybe you visit with your own mother or just spend the day with the kids. I love to tell them how much pain they put me through during their birth so they need to grow up and make lots of money and take care of me in my old age. Not that I would really hold them to that. Depends on if I like the women they end up marrying. lol
Enjoy your Mother's Day and pretend you like their cooking and gifts. It's really about the gift they are to you anyway. Maybe this year announce to the hubby that he should spend a few hours alone with them while you take a long bath with a big ole glass of wine!
Moms RULE!