Happy Holidays from Santa's Little Peppers

By Billlives

Seasons Greetings from New Orleans. 2013 marks my first full year returning to my hometown.  New Orleans is a city that has far exceeded my already high expectations. I continue to appreciate the wonderful live music (mostly free), food, culture and friendly people.

This is also the year I shifted my main focus from technology to painting. So I am starting a holiday tradition of a season themed painting. This year it is “Santa’s Little Peppers” (16” x 20”) seen bellow. It is the type of treat a New Orleans Santa might appreciate. My paintings can be most easily seen on my art and photography blog.  The painting categories can be viewed and browsed in the right side bar. Most are for sale. I have shipped art works as far as Australia. 

Wishing you a happy holidays and great 2014.