Happy Holidays

By Fashiontofood @FashiontoFood

Time flies when you're having fun. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous so we went on a family hike with hungry husband, my brother and cousin. The sun couldn't be brighter. Lake Ontario couldn't look more gorgeous!

I spent some time perfecting my egg basket and let's see if you'll agree but these eggs are awesome! So awesome that a bunny was pictured snooping around and eyeing the golden egg.... bad, bad, bad bunny!

It is tulip season and I can never ever resist fresh flowers so we picked up some flowers and my kitchen has a mix of the sweetest smell of Hyacinths, Tulips and Roses. My inner Martha came out and I put together this little melange... 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with all the chocolate and eggs that your tummies can handle.. To my friends celebrating Easter and Passover... wishing you a wonderful holiday.
See you next week!