Happy Groundhog Day!

Posted on the 02 February 2012 by Karibestrycki @bloglikeitshot

Happy Holiday everyone!

Photo Courtesy: news.nationalpost.com

The news out of Punxsutawney, Pa is that our good friend Phil has seen his damn shadow. What does that mean? We should expect six more weeks of winter…boo.

What’s interesting about that prediction is the strange weather patterns we have been experiencing. Here in Philadelphia it was in the mid-50s yesterday…that isn’t right at all. In my opinion, Phil is just screwing with us.

Think about it…every year on Feb. 2 he is rudely woken up at the crack ass of dawn…pissed. Along with that, people are screaming and taking his photo! He didn’t even have a chance to freshen up yet!

Regardless of the hell Phil has to go through, Groundhog Day is my second favise holiday…after St. Patrick’s Day of course. Side note: I would like to mention another holiday that falls on this date…Happy Birthday to my wonderful Aunt <3