Happy Friday! What's to Come at Tampa Bay Crochet

By Tampabaycrochet @TampaBayCrochet

 Happy Friday!  What's to Come at Tampa Bay Crochet

Here is a little cuteness for your Friday morning :)  I crocheted a scarf for my chihuahua puppy, Stella.  She was a great little model and wore it for about fifteen minutes before deciding it was a toy and trying to destroy it.
I know I have shared with you that I have been having some health problems. I thought by now I would be back to my old self but that is not the case.  Unfortunately until I am at 100% I will only be able to post when I feel up to it.  The good news is I went to the Cleveland Clinic this week and I met with some great doctors.  I'm going back to the Cleveland Clinic on Tuesday for a procedure and I will need a second procedure done 10 days after the first.  Hopefully, after both procedures are done I will on the path towards healing.  I can tell you one thing, after all of this is over I will never take my good health for granted again! 
While I have been incapacitated, I've had lots of ideas for new crochet patterns that I would like to create.  I will start working on them little by little and hopefully when I am feeling better I will have several new crochet patterns to share! 
Thank you all for your patience and understanding