Happy Friday Links

By Clairejustalittleless
So, how's your week been? The summer weather's finally arrived (yes even in the Midlands) and we've been spending lots of time in our tiny garden and enjoying some slow evening walks. I've been teaching extra days and although I enjoy the work I've found it hard to stick to my grocery budget and health goals this week. 

Luckily I've found some great inspiration for slowing down including a new blog, which I'm really excited to share with you. Escape, enjoy and don't forget to let me know your favourites. 

  • three steps to a simple home by Practising Simplicity.
  • Savvy Spender: Using a Cash Budget for Fun, Frivolity & Freedom by The Laughing Medusa.
  • Exploring Alternatives is a delightful minimalist blog that I've just discovered. Danielle and Mat are a Canadian couple honing a simple lifestyle as they work and travel in their camper van. Their latest post Should I Plan for Retirement? questions the whole idea of working and waiting until we're 65 to start enjoying life. I've spent a lot of time watching their videos too. 
  • Are you an eco worrier? via Ikea Family Live. 
  • Recovery For Runners. Great advice for staying healthy if you're a runner from Eat and Think.
  • Refreshing ideas for creating a Morning Routine by Light by Coco.

Thank you for reading, commenting and following this week. Have a lovely weekend xo