Happy Findings

By Stephanie

After a heavy torrential downpour, the cuttings which I have rooted for a few days did not collapse. I thought the sage cuttings will but they didn't. Hopefully they will continue to thrive even under the hot blazing sun.

On one rack out in the open, I have a few agaves that have been growing in their respective pots for ages now. Growing slowly but surely, their size increased little by little.
Next to them which is the potted plant, right in front in the pic below, is another slow grower, a mini rose.

The foliage of my peacock plant can look really amazing with the late afternoon sunlight peeping through them like this...

Anyone planted ferns together with calatheas (the shrubs at the rear of the pic below) before? I think both plants do well together and the fern actually makes the potted calatheas look better.

Stay home, stay safe :D

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