Happy Father's Day! | HS Lightbox/Letterboard

By Midwesterngirl @MidwesternGirl5
Happy Sunday!
And Happy Father's Day to all of you dads out there!
Happy Father's Day! | HS Lightbox/Letterboard
Unfortunately, my husband has to work all day today...so the kids and I prepared a little surprise dinner for him for when he gets home...
Happy Father's Day! | HS Lightbox/Letterboard
We got the patio all ready...complete with both the Heidi Swapp Letterboard & Lightbox.
Happy Father's Day! | HS Lightbox/Letterboard
I really love these added pieces...especially this one from the kids.
And, because both the Lightbox and the Letterboard are COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE, you can use them for any occasion imaginable. 
Just change out your letters/icons/emojis and done!
Happy Father's Day! | HS Lightbox/Letterboard
We like to keep things pretty simple around here...so I added just a few inserts to my Lightbox. 
I love the clean, crisp look.
And as the sun goes down, all I have to do is flip the switch on the box to give our little party that extra touch of awesome.

I'm excited for Doug to get home tonight to see his little backyard celebration!
And I'm super excited for those steaks I'll be throwing on the grill...

Thank you so much for stopping by!
And Happy Father's Day!

Supplies | Heidi Swapp Letterboard 9"x12", Heidi Swapp Letterboard Alphabet 1" Gold Sans Serif, Heidi Swapp Lightbox - White, Heidi Swapp Lightbox Display Stand - Gold, Heidi Swapp Lightbox Alphabet Inserts, Heidi Swapp Lightbox Emoji Inserts, Heidi Swapp Lightbox Talking Animal Inserts - All supplies available at Joann stores & joann.com