Happy Easter!

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Happy Easter everyone. I hope you’re enjoying your holiday. Here are some photos of some decorated Easter eggs to help you celebrate!

I don’t know about you, but to me, Easter is the beginning of Spring. It’s that milestone that means the bitter cold days of winter are over and the spring thaw has started.  It’s a festive day for my family. We go over to my mother’s for a big ham dinner and then we play cards or just sit around the table and chat. It’s a great time to reminisce. Sadly, my dad isn’t there to share in the festivities and neither is my sister-in-law, Mindy. Both passed away before their time. Even though, they’re no longer with us, we have many great memories of both of them and they come up in the stories we tell. I believe that even though we can’t see them, they’re with us, celebrating and laughing right along with us.

So enjoy your family while you still can and make those memories count!  :)

Photo credit: Maia C via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-ND


Thanks for stopping by and reading this short, celebratory post! Now, go have fun with your family! :)