This birthday isn’t much special and I’m certainly not excited for it coz I’m going through my bad time due to some people here in blogging world who thinks they are the best, well never mind, that clearly shows the mentality of those people and my parents have not taught me to say something like this coz I have been brought up in a good background and if I use the language like theirs, all that would be gone wasted, so I try to stay away and maintain distance from them and that’s really irritating me out here. But my friends made me understand that jealousy comes your way to success and I have learnt to deal with such people by just ignoring them and let them blabber whatever they want coz one day they will stop by getting tired
Hope to see something good today, got 3-4 gifts till now, one from a friend in Kolkata, some clothes and a birthday card decorated by my beau specially
And finally thank you all for so much love and support, love you all. I feel blessed to have some amazing friends around me and I want you all to be there with me forever.