Happy Be Kind to Yourself Day

By Lostindrawers @lostindrawers

Valentine’s Day. This day, or as my mother says “week,” can be overly cheesy or overly cynical. With a ton of lovely, dovey photos to go right along with it. So, alongside the typical onslaught of red and pink, it is always good thing to remember to be nice and kind rather than cynical or sarcastic. Love shouldn’t be so narrowly defined, as it doesn’t just come from a significant other, but from close family, our rapscallion Pomeranian, our friends and a larger sense of community.

So from now on February 14th, consider making it a lovely day to remember to be kind to yourself and to others around you!


Now that being said, I absolutely love and adore my wife. Heather is simply the greatest, and absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me. She inspires me to be less cynical and embrace a life based on kindness. Because love wins. She is my example of this every single day. I am an incredibly lucky man.


Filed under: adventures, fashion, Fort Worth, our life, vintage Tagged: adventures, fashion, fort worth, our life, valentines day