Happy Anniversary

By Shanlakes

To be completely honest, I have never been a big "anniversary fan". Especially when it comes to relationships, but we'll get down to that later. I barley say happy anniversary to my own parents, because I simply do not think they are big deal. I think there are so many great things in life to celebrate, but do people really deserve a card and a gift for surviving another year of marriage? I'm all for birthdays, graduations, bar-mitzvahs, weddings, and other various big events...but anniversary's have just never done it for me.
However, there is one anniversary that I have and always will celebrate. Yes Nordstroms, I'm looking at you. During this special anniversary I stock up on clothes, shoes, purses, sunglasses, etc. for the next 365 days. Now that is how you celebrate an anniversary...
Click {here} to enter the event of the season...the Nordstroms Anniversary sale
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