Happy Anniversary!

By Stilettosanddiaperbags @Sadbblog
Happy Anniversary Stilettos and Diaper Bags readers! Three years ago yesterday I started this blog as a way to not get stuck in a mommy rut and had no idea what it would grow to be.I can not believe you have followed me in my journey during my second pregnancy, as we changed our diet to gluten free and dealt with my son's autistic diagnosis, and now as I style my day to day as a fashionable mom!I feel so blessed to have made such great "blogger" friends over the past few years and can't wait to see what the future brings. And can we talk about how Stilettos and Diaper Bags has reached over 556,000 page views? This is NUTS to me! THANK YOU to all who come back day after day to read my blog!
I am celebrating another anniversary today.
My husband and I got married 5 years ago (we actually got married on our dating anniversary so we've been together now for 8 years). Ryan is my rock, my world, the best dad my kids could ever have, a great ying to my yang, he truly compliments me in every way. I am so blessed to have him in my life and look forward to 50 more wonderful years together! Happy anniversary babe, I love you!!! Here are a few photos from our wedding:We have a lot of band friends so they ended up taking over a grand piano in the entry way and sang songs the second half of the night...very fun wedding, the best I've ever attended! OK, I'm partial! ;)