Happy 6th Blogoversary

By Thegenaboveme @TheGenAboveMe

Photo by Kiran Foster.

It's that time of year again!
January 1, 2018 marks the 6th blogoversary for The Generation Above Me.  Thanks for tagging along--whether this is the first time you have visited the blog or if you've been here from the start.
Below is the Top 20 posts by views after six years and well over 300 posts (averaging about 65 posts per year).
The Top 10 are relatively unchanged. The post "Robert Peck's Tasks for Older Adults" moved up from #12 to #9. Newcomers appear towards the end of this list: #11, #13, #17, #18, #19, and #20.
Presented in ascending order:
20. The Song of Lunch: Film Review
19. When Breath Becomes Air: Book Review
18. Hello, My Name Is Doris
17. Connecting in the Land of Dementia: Book Review
16. Older Adults Who Are Athletes
15. Quotes about Aging
14. Mean Arterial Pressure: Biomarker of Longevity and Health
13. Shoulder Pain and Ageism
12. Somebody Stole My Iron: Book Review
11. Gum Health: Biomarker of Longevity and Health
10. Films about Aging
9. Robert Peck's Tasks for Older Adults
8. Life Span vs. Life Expectancy
7. Hospital-induced Delirium
6. Label Clothing for Nursing Home Residents
5. Films Set in Nursing Homes
4. Books about Aging
3. Adjusting to Bifocals
2. Films about Aging
1. Films about Alzheimer's and Other Dementias
Have a great 2018, dear readers.