Happy 4th! Celebrate Summer | Tuscan Picnic July 21st, August 18th at Casa Casale!

By Marialiberati

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned
skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
–Leonardo da Vinci

If you are traveling for the 4th of July Holiday or having a staycation.. you can celebrate with this easy dish from The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: DaVinci Style.

Happy 4th! Celebrate Summer | Tuscan Picnic July 21st, August 18th at Casa Casale!

Fagiolini e Tonno in Insalata- Green Bean and Tuna Salad
String bean and tuna salad is perfect for a hot summer day. Cool cooked
string beans, mix them with tuna in a large bowl and add olive oil,
freshly squeezed lemon juice, add  salt and pepper to taste

Insalata di Riso-Rice Salad
Rice salad is a classic Italian summer dish. The recipe greatly varies
from cook to cook, ingredients can be substituted and added according
to your preferences. Chilled cooked rice is a base for the salad.
Tomatoes, olives, capers, hard-boiled eggs, tuna, artichoke hearts, parsley
give the salad its flavor. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and spritz with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Serve chilled.

Happy 4th! Celebrate Summer | Tuscan Picnic July 21st, August 18th at Casa Casale!

*Celebrate mid-summer with a Tuscan Picnic at the beautiful Casa Casale in Lahaska, Pa with me..and a 4 course Tuscan Picnic meal on July 21st at 4 PM and for an Italian barbecue on Saturday, August 18th at 4PM..space is limited… each event includes 4 courses, cooking demo and book signing…call Casa Casale  and reserve your spot at 215-794-147