Happy 3rd Blogoversary to TGAM

By Thegenaboveme @TheGenAboveMe

Photo by Martin Fisch.

Today marks three years since the launch of this blog, The Generation Above Me.
Here are a few posts of interest:
Why This Blog?
Happy 1st Blogoversary.
Happy 2nd Blogoversary.
Over the last year, I wrote more about bone health, insomnia, and spirituality.  I read and reviewed over 30 books on aging.  I also continued to watch a lot of films about aging.  
Last week, I noted which posts written in 2014 were most viewed.  But here is a list of the All-Time Top 10 Posts.


1. Films About Aging A-L (2012) 

                (#1 in 2013 and 2012)


2. Films Depicting Alzheimer's Disease (2013)                 (#7 in 2013--the most rapid riser this year!)


3. Label Clothing for NH Residents (2012)

                         (#2 in 2013 and #4 in 2012)


4. Books on Aging (2012)

        (#3 in 2013 and 2012)


5. Adjusting to Bifocals (2012)

(#5 in 2013, absent in 2012 Top 10)


6. Hospital-Induced Delirium (2012)

         (#10 in 2013, absent in 2012 Top 10)


7. Life Span vs. Life Expectancy (2013)

                       (absent in 2013 Top 10)


8. Age-Related Risks for Dehydration (2013)

                    (#8 in 2013, absent in 2012 Top 10)


9. Medicare's Donut Hole Is Closing (2012)

(#4 in 2013, absent in 2012 Top 10--fastest falling this year)


10. Aging Films to Watch Next (2014)

(only post from 2014 to break into the All-Time Top 10)
Thank you for reading and commenting. I enjoy the conversations I have about aging with people in social media.
Have a happy and healthy 2015.