Happy 2013

By Amy @amzzz1984

My favorite picture of me of the last year. It was taken at the penthouse in Belgium we stayed in to cellebrate my fathers 65th birthday. I'm hoping that 2013 can be like this picture: happy, warm and sunny. I entered 2012 with just one goal: to buy a house, Well that all worked out quite well. While I'm typing this, I'm sitting on my new big-ass couch, in my new livingroom. I'm not one for new years resolutions, but I love to have goals which I can work towards. So here goes: 
I would like to:
  • Run 2 competitions
  • Relax more / Take more time off work
  • Invest more time, energy and love in my blog
  • See my friends more often
  • Travel more then in 2012 (or just as much as in 2011)
  • Finish the big to-do-list of our house (and have a big big housewarming party!)
  • Buy a Wang handbag
  • Wear more Nailpolish

I would like to maintain: 
  • My healthy eating (which is not always healthy, but balanced)
  • My work-outs at the gym (which I'm actually currently slaking....by the way)
  • The amount of quality time spend with my man
  • The amount of music festivals I have visited in 2012 (which was 4)
  • Being Happy
I think it's also important to think about the things that are going well in your life. Things that you would like to maintain. Don't forget: you'll never know what you got till it's gone.
As you can see, I have a few very mainstream goals and some more specific (Buy a Wang!). In the end I'm just hoping that 2013 can be such a blast as 2012! If I reach all these goals or not. And no: I'm not known to be a quiter. So don't worry about my attitude. For instance: buying a Wang is super great, but if I didnt happen, well then I'll just have to see what 2014 will bring. :)
I'm off to work on one of my goals: Relax more!
HAPPY 2013
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Photo: by My life as Matt