From 12:45pm to 1:15pm, birthday balloons, cards and flowers will be collected on the 49th corner of Drexel Parkway. At 1pm, cars will assemble at 50th and Drexel in front of Operation PUSH.
If you would like to mail a birthday card to Mr. Black, send it to 4906 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, Illinois, 60615. If you would like to give a gift, please contribute to The Timuel D. Black Educational Foundation. Donations can be made online here or by writing a check to The University of Chicago with the memo, OCE/The Timuel Black Solidarity Scholar Endowment.
And please enjoy this previous interview of Mr. Black on the occasion of his one hundredth birthday by Maudlyne Ihejirika of the Chicago Sun-Times. He gives us all hope about living a life of purpose and joy. Happy Birthday Mr. Timuel D. Black.
Header image caption: Timuel Black on the cover of his book, Sacred Ground: The Chicago Streets of Timuel Black.