Happiness & Strawberry Tea

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Hi Pixies! I felt like doing a little post about all the things that have made me smile this past week. I don't think this will be a weekly thing thing as not every week is interesting.

The lovely sunny weather.Rekindling my love of Made In Chelsea, I'm now halfway through series two.Primark getting in their S/S stock. I may have gone a little over the top and bought quite a bit. If I could buy the whole shop that would be just fine.Bates Motel starting it's second season. I'm slightly addicted to this show, it's just so good.Being able to walk to work and not get soaked in a rain storm.Jasper giving me lots of cuddles in the morning. It's a much nicer way to wake up instead of an alarm clock.Burning my Yankee candle.Garnier micellar water.Buttered popcorn from Home Bargins.Despicable Me (I've been watching it non stop).Twinings strawberry tea.Celebrating my Grandma's birthday.

Making a YouTube playlist of all of the songs (and some TV shows) that I used to listen to when I was little.