Happiness Is... Being a Fun Parent

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum

I might be turning 40 this year but 13 years of experience in being a mom tells me that age does not define what I do or how I think in this parenting journey. It certainly should not deter me in being kiddy at times, in being able to let my hair down or dance like no one is watching, or in being a fun parent who doesn't just watch but is enthusiastic to join in the activities too. 

If I can, I will always want to have a child in me. One who reminds me that life is fleeting and things shouldn't be solemn all the time, who tells me to relax, chill and just have some fun every once in a while, who lets me forget my age for a moment and allows me to bond, communicate and interact with my kids thoroughly. 

In this post of "Happiness is...", it's about being a fun mum, or at the very least, try to be one.

It's been a long time since we visited Kiztopia and I am so happy we did. It was Ansel's first visit and he had so much fun with his siblings. He is blessed to have three elder siblings who dote on him very much so they are always there to accompany him, guide him and play with him, like how the sisters pushed him around on the kiddy car and how Korkor took care of him and assured him that he needn't be scared when they went on the train ride.

This orange slide was our favorite because it was so steep and slippery, and because we could ride on it together. Even though I had to take photos and videos for this sponsored visit, I didn't forget to have lots of fun with the kids. We slid and screamed together, we tried to bury each other with the Hinoko cubes, we shot hoops, we jumped on the trampoline and we conquered a Ninja trail together. These are the memories that my kids will hopefully hold onto as part of their happy childhood.

We had a belated birthday celebration for my Dad and treated him to a delightful buffet. It is always fun to cook and eat together as a family and we enjoyed the meal very much. We made use of the cake dessert to have a cake cutting ceremony since my Dad doesn't have a sweet tooth and didn't want a big cake. The staff even played the birthday song specially for us and that was a moment to remember.

What made the night even more special was when my Mum suggested to bring us to a newly opened playground in their neighbourhood. Even though it was already 10pm, the kids were naturally thrilled and I just had to let them play for a while. You see, my parents didn't just watch them play, they went on the slides, climbed up the slope and sat on the swing with them too. That is what I aspire to do when I am 70 years old - if I can make it to that ripe age. To be a fun grandparent who brings the grandkids out to play and joins in the fun too!

We still try our best to have home cooked meals and sometimes I run out of ideas on what to cook. That is when I decide to make it more fun and have a steamboat instead so that the kids can choose their own ingredients and we can all cook together. Since the hubby doesn't come home till the kids are asleep on weekdays, our dinner is mostly a mum-and-kids affair and I actually quite enjoy it. Yes, the washing up and preparation might be tedious but if you think about it, these moments will become rarely in a decade or two when the kids start working and move on with their own separate lives. So yes, let's cherish these growing up years because time truly has wings.

A major incident that happened this month was that Asher had to go for a tooth extraction! One of his molars was seriously decayed - to quote the dentist, it was dead and 'hopeless' - and we didn't pick it up till it was too late. So we made several visits to HPB and a private dentist, did an X-ray and a few consultations, before making the decision to extract it. 

This brave boy was scared but he mustered his courage and didn't grumble during the whole procedure. I was just glad when it was over and hopefully he learns to abstain from sweet stuff and take care of his teeth better. His first meal after the extraction was having udon soup and chawanmushi at Genki Sushi because he loves it to much. Whatever happens, my dear Asher, remember that Mama is here to support and cheer for you, okay?

It's a joy to know that theatrical shows are back and that we get to bring the kids to watch these educational and entertaining live shows once more. I had a one-on-two outing with the eldest and the youngest when the rest were in school and we made our way to Victoria Theatre to catch The Gruffalo, which is one of our favorite tales.

Then we also had a family outing to Singapore Repertory Theatre to catch The Hare and The Tortoise which was such a fun-filled, meaningful show on friendship. The kids enjoy these shows very much so I hope to keep up with these outings as much as I can before they outgrow them.

October is a time to get wild because it's Halloween! It's been way too long since we attended a big party so we were glad to be part of the Halloween celebration held at the newly opened Polliwogs in Clarke Quay. We didn't buy any new outfits but instead made do with what we had and I think we didn't quite okay, right?

One memorable incident was when we were taking the MRT to the venue, I took out our makeup kit and started drawing on my face, haha. The kids were a little shy and embarrassed, and wanted to procrastinate or give excuses. I told them it was all about being fun, perhaps even a little crazy or over the top, since it was Halloween after all - an annual affair where we get to look scary, ugly and be proud of it. So we did the makeup for each other eventually and I think these formed yet another set of happy, fun and precious memories for keepsake.

We were at the Botanic Gardens for a photoshoot for our new kicks and when I wanted to take a couple shot of me and the hubby, Ariel said "Do a cute heart pose, don't look so serious." And so we did.

Indeed, the kids are my constant reminders to tale life easier and just go with the flow or even be a little absurd at times. Don't be fooled by at the nice posed pics we put up sometimes, I assure you we go bananas at times too and that is when we laugh hard together and wish we had more of such carefree moments.

Jewel is one of our favorite places to visit and there is always so much to do and play. After enjoying a delicious meal at Shake Shack, we made our way to the playground, followed by having fun on ZooMoov rides and then plushie catching at Fun Claw. Yup, the hubby and I also joined in the fun at the claw machines and it took a family effort before we caught two very cute penguins to bring home.

Dining at Hai Di Lao is a luxury that we do not take for granted. I always remind the kids on how they are so fortunate to get to eat at restaurants and enjoy such good food, and to always count their blessings. We love seeing the 拉面师父 perform his signature dance because it always tickles the kids and makes them laugh.

Lastly, you've probably read about our biggest highlight in October and that is our DIY Halloween party themed "A Skeleton Carnival". If you have not, hop over here and be sure to watch the video because you will laugh with us and even at us, it's okay, I really don't mind. It was an unforgettable night filled with glee, giggles, fun, squeals, play and family bonding, a night where we didn't feel like parents but instead as playful kids who just wanna have a ball of a time. I am so thankful that all my efforts paid off for this party and that it was a roaring success.

Yeap, that's the end for now and while my monthly highlights might come a little late, I will keep them coming and I will never give up writing. So thank you for reading all these posts patiently and quietly, and I hope our family experiences will inspire you in one way or another.

Let's all be fun parents from time to time, yeah? Till the next post!