Hanna, Day 2

By Bertyc @bertyc
Like Joseph said we had another fantastic day driving Axiom. We concluded driving on Saturday after attaining a top speed of 120km/h and logging in several hours of driving training for each of the four drivers.
We did have some minor electrical issues that we're affecting telemetry (wireless data) back from the car but did not drastically affect the operation of the car and so we we're able to drive without any major issues. The problem ended up being a software issue and has since been resolved. The battery pack performed great and after performing a few minor software changes to the motor controller the motor was running smoother then ever. I believe the low-end torque problems we we're experiencing last time at the track were also fixed by these changes.
The Schulich Axiom Alberta Tour is also fast approaching and we are due to leave on Monday. We have completed the panels (which look great) and so we will begin to attach panels to the car tomorrow. Once the panels are on the car we are ready to drive!
Here is a picture of the team taking a break with Axiom near the pit stop area of the Hanna track.
You can also see how the panels will be arranged on the car from the yellow voids... Stay tuned to see pictures of the finished car!
See Ya
Tim Gamber
Electrical Engineering Manager