Hank The Cat Runs For Senate In Virginia - Here's How You Can Help

By Petslady @petslady

Weird?  Well, there are weirder things in politics these days.  But this is true: Hank the cat is running for  U.S. Senate in Virginia.  Born and bred in Fairfax, VA, Hank believes he understands the workings of nearby Washington, DC at least as well as his opponents, both former governors of Virginia, George Allen and Tim Kaine.

Hank's U.S. Senate Campaign Banner: © 2012 Hank For Senate CommitteeHank's U.S. Senate Campaign Banner: © 2012 Hank For Senate Committee

Having pulled himself up by his puss'n bootstraps, Hank started with nothing, not even a home to call his own. After putting himself through school, and dedicating himself to providing jobs while running several companies, Hank is ready to serve his state and his country and to help the creation of jobs, spaying and neutering of pets, and making politics more civil - starting with his community and moving outward to the country.

Hank in his office...: © 2012 Hank For Senate CommitteeHank in his office...: © 2012 Hank For Senate Committee

Here is Hank's brilliant campaign video:

Hank leaves his opponents out in the cold when it comes to social media. He's got Twitter and Facebook fans from all over the world, partly due to his recent world-wide good will tour.  Some international reporters have even visited him at home.  Check out this video made by a reporter from Japanese TV station FNN, interviewing  the first and only cat running for senate in the U.S.

Hank has no PAC or wealthy donor behind him; he is totally self-funded.  Even his Vote Hank bumper stickers are sold at his cost.  He doesn't want one cent from anyone, but there are ways you can help get him elected...

What You Can Do To Help Hank Get Elected

1.  Write letters to the editor of Hank's Virginia and D.C. newspapers.  Hank has the email addresses on his campaign website. He's even written a letter for you!

2. Volunteer for the grassroots campaign if you live in Virginia.  You can go door-to-door canvassing, work in a polling place on election day, or handle a phone bank.  

3. Donate to animal rescue groups. Hank has his preferences, but you can donate to any animal rescue group, and if you want to, you can mention Hank's name.

4. Help spread the word about Hank.  Tell your Facebook friends and Twitter followers what Hank's stand for. Of course, Hank even prepared a sample letter for you to send.

sources:  Hank for Senate via Washington Post

That's the buzz for today!