Hang A DIY Bamboo Fence On A Balcony

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

DIY bamboo fence - There is the lack of privacy and you may experience problems in windy weather. Erecting a bamboo fence that go a long way when it comes to these issues. When done correctly, they look great, too.

Hang A DIY Bamboo Fence On A Balcony

Hang a DIY bamboo fence on a balcony, Measure and record the length of the sides of your balcony and decide how high you want your fencing is. Although it is good to have a little privacy, you may decide that you still want to be able to enjoy at least some of the views. Add the required amount of DIY bamboo fence and rectangular boxes enough to run around the perimeter of your balcony. You will also need enough soil to fill their pots. Place the pots around the perimeter of your balcony and fill with a small amount of land.

Bags of trash around the Place bottom of DIY bamboo fence and place in their pots then fill their pots with soil to anchor the fencing in place. Cut multiple lengths of steel wire and tie their enclosure to the bars of his balcony at several points. The amount of cable you need depends on the size of your balcony.