Handwritten In The Style

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
I was born to be a doctor: good manners, compassionate nature, analytical mind, almost illegible handwriting. 
But then at age eight I found myself in old Miss Davy's junior school class. (I say old; she must have been fifty if she was a day.) She took it upon herself to coach my ink-stained fingers into producing perfect joined-up copperplate script - and I was lost to the medical profession for ever ;-)

A doctor writes...

We all know GPs and medics as a whole are renowned for their difficult-to-decipher script. How pharmacists must have cursed before typewritten prescriptions became standard issue. If I try hard I can just about make out most of what is being explained in the doctor's note above but the challenge of trying to read poorly-fashioned hand-writing gave me an idea for today's poem, which also draws on my current reading matter, A.J. Ayer's seminal treatise 'Language, Truth and Logic '.
A Doctor Writes
(Deciphered):I recommend a daily dose of logical empiricism-  take one grain of salted truth   dissolve in aqueous humour   and let it sink in.Resolve to be better tomorrow    but    if wayward fantasies persist repeat    as instructed above untilConscience and judgment are clear.                                                    Signed...
Thanks for reading. Stay healthy, S ;-)

mens sana in corpore sano

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