Hamper Buying Explodes, as Home-Gifting Surges!

Posted on the 11 February 2021 by Andykinsey @andykinsey

Lets be honest, where would we be without online shopping this year?

Who can honestly say that they haven't shopped online, whether it's for food, or a gift for someones birthday?

I can't say it's a big surprise that the ONS found a 30% rise in online shopping in the UK compared to 2019 in September. But what is more surprising is that stats from Google around what people were searching for in September!

There was a 32% increase YoY in people searching for "Christmas Trees"
26% increase in "Christmas Stocking" searches, and 32% for "Christmas Decorations" ...

But thats not all... check out these search stats...

Having said people are searching for these terms, with Hampers for example increasing by 91%! Google adds that people are looking to support local business... with 'available near me' type searches up 100% in the same period.

But not only that searches for "support local business" are up 2000X on this time last year - so people really are trying to shop local, which is great news.

If you're a local business looking to optimise your local online footprint, here is my guide to optimising your presence today.