#HalloweenIsHappening: The Story of Halloween in the Year 2020 [Video Included]

Posted on the 25 September 2020 by Loup Dargent @loup_dargent

US Consumers, elected officials, public health experts, and CDC agree that Halloween is happening - even if we have to celebrate a little differently

The story of Halloween 2020 is shaping up to be one for the record books. From PVC pipe candy slides going viral on social media to major, thought-leading media outlets and prominent elected officials declaring that Halloween is happening, creative and safe approaches are driving the national narrative in a way that showcases consumer optimism for a fun and unique Halloween season.Governors from several states have joined a growing wave of approval and support for a safe and creative Halloween 2020 - including

"There's no question that Halloween will look different this year, and innovative approaches endorsed by the CDC like outdoor, one-way trick-or-treating can bring a little fun to the fall," John Downs, president & CEO of the National Confectioners Association, said. "Hyperlocal decision-making will determine whether this Halloween season means trick-or-treating with the appropriate safety precautions, more candy bowl moments at home with family and close friends, or just more time for celebrating the season in October."
  • 80% of people believe that they will find creative and safe ways to celebrate the Halloween season this year. This is up from just 63% two months earlier in July. (NCA, Morning Consult)
  • 66% of people say they will trick-or-treat this year, whether handing out the candy or going out with their children. (NCA)
  • 74% of millennial moms and young parents say that Halloween 2020 is more important than ever. (The Harris Poll)
  • 80% of the general public and 90% of millennial moms and young parents say they can't imagine Halloween without chocolate and candy, and that trick-or-treating is irreplaceable. (The Harris Poll)

Americans are ready for Halloween:

public health experts like the CDC, community leaders, newspaper editorial boards and columnists who say that we can prioritize safety and still enjoy this fall with Halloween celebrations that last all October long. Recent guidance from the CDC reinforces that Halloween is happening and provides inspiration for creative and safe approaches to celebrating the holiday throughout the month of October.
NCA recently released data that shows Halloween chocolate and candy sales are up this year. For the latest four weeks ending September 6 versus the same period in 2019, total Halloween chocolate & candy sales are up 13% - growth that is driven by Halloween chocolate, which is up 25.3%.

Public health experts and top opinion leaders - Halloween is happening!

Halloween candy sales are up:

The origins of Halloween date back to pre-Christian times to Celtic groups in areas now known as Ireland, Scotland and Wales. According to most scholars, a great fire festival called Samhein signaled the close of the harvest and the initiation of the cold and dark season of winter. A variety of folklore and customs became associated with the celebration.
Folk custom claimed that on this night, the doors between the world of the dead and the world of the living opened. All the spirits of the people who died during the previous year were thought to be traveling from their resting place on earth to their final resting place in the next world. The Celts placed food and drink out to sustain the spirits, and people concealed their identity with disguises to escape harm while they walked from house to house to enjoy food and drink (much like trick-or-treating today). Many people also carved turnips to represent faces, marking the origination of today's jack-o-lanterns. When Christianity took root in northern Europe, these folk customs were incorporated into a Christian framework. The celebrations in Ireland, Scotland and Wales eventually became All Saints' Day, a day to commemorate all dead saints and martyrs. All Saints' Day was sometimes known as All Hallows' Day, and the night before was called All Hallows' Eve, or Hallowe'en, which we today call Halloween. Although the celebrations did acquire a distinctly religious tone, many folk customs were still observed.
Settlers and immigrants from these regions brought their folk customs to America, where they took root and evolved over the years. Halloween was originally celebrated in America as a harvest festival. Carved turnips became carved pumpkins, which grew in abundance in America. Colorful costumes replaced disguises, and trick-or-treating evolved from presenting food and drink to the wandering spirits. [...]