Halloween Wishlist

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_

leggings - topshopbeanie - asosslippers - asosharley quinn corset - hot topicskeleton hand hair clips - ebaybates motel: series one - amazonbarry m lipstick: black - bootscandy corn - american fizz

Hi Pixies! I love Halloween and everything about it, the movies, the sweets and of course the chance to dress up and get even more sweets! I'm not exactly sure what my plans for this year are yet, I will probably help my Uncle's girlfriend throw a little Halloween party for my cousin and her Nephew and then go home and watch all of the Nightmare on Elm Street films. Pretty basic but still enjoyable. With all that in mind I thought that now a time would be good to do a Halloween Wishlist post and even though I will probably only buy two percent of the things I've picked it was still fun to have a online window shop and see what goodies are around at this time of year.