Halloween Under $10

By Tinacolada @StyleScribbles
Pics as promised of my budget outfit under $10
What I used:-
* A white dress from my wardrobe- it was a beach cover-up I have had courtesy my love for the sand and surf *wink*
* A pair of of white leggings from my current winter wardrobe
* Foam snoflakes for $1-$2 a pack from the Dollar Store
* Mirrored snoflakes in 2 different sizez $1.5 each pack
* Glass diamond beads, just a couple again $1-2 for a whole lot of them, that I can use for some later project
* thread, needle, scissors and an hour to spare
Just stitched a few random foam snoflakes and then glued the mirror one's on top, made a makeshift set of earrings and a neck-piece *choker* that can also be worn on the wrist.
here's the pics to prove and Oh! pair them up with any shiny nice heels you got in your closet to finish the look. Add some shimmer in your makeup and you are ready to shine away.
I ended up spending only about $9 out of which I still have almost all of the stuff left and can use it in other projects. Had lots of fun and hope you did too, this Halloween. love n luck, xx.