Halloween @ Salem, Massachusetts

By Surbhi204
Halloween is observed on October 31, activities include attending costume parties, carving lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. The costume dressing is most common, where in people dress as anything other than one self.
We had planned to visit Halloween  parade on Saturday but it  all went down the drain  due to excessive rains and snowing around Boston.Sunday came out be a better day although it was cold and we could see snow everywhere it was little better with sun shinning up in the sky .So we all decided to go to Salem, Massachusetts which is  a place know for its  history, which includes the tragic Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the glorious maritime era that left its mark on salem through architecture,museums, and artifacts, it has month-long celebration of Halloween.  
Salem was in a full bloom  of Halloween Celebration, streets were crowded with people wearing masks, Halloween dresses, makeup in spite of the freezing temperatures.One could find sale of various winter clothes , masks, jewellery , people offering face makeup services so that you can look spooky enough :). Seeing people around even we all got into Halloween spirit and got ourselves some spooky witch costumes and got our pictures clicked.
Following are the few pictures that we took.