Halloween in New Orleans

By Billlives

New Orleans celebrates everything in a big way but especially Halloween or anything else with costumes. Below are scenes from the French Quarter, the Carrolton Riverbend area, and along St. Charles Avenue. Some neigboghoods such as ours publish lists of homes were trick or treat kids are welcomed. The last six are from a house on St. Charles Avenue at one house that has many skeltons in pun themes. People come from all over th ecity to collect treats there.

When I was a child growing up in New Orleans I always looked forward to going out in my neighborhood for treats.  This year I painted in Priate's Alley and the costumes increased as the day when on. Then we celebrated my arrival in New Orleans as a full time resident on Halloween 2012. Here is a post that described my trio down here - Driving Throuhg Hurricane Sandy to New Orleans.