Halloween in High School

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
The blond twin never really had to decide what she was going to do for Halloween. Her cheer leading practice schedule meant she would be busy until after trick-or-treating ended.

The brunette twin, on the other hand, was making grand plans. We went costume shopping so she could be a TV show character. She arranged to meet friends at our house so they could trick-or-treat by our neighbors. They would all move to the next person's neighborhood to finish the night.

When she came home, the brunette twin was a mix of happy and sad. She had fun with her friends, but realized that she was getting to old too trick-or-treat. She was not happy with she realized that she might not go out again next year.

It wasn't that she really liked to trick-or-treat. It was that she realized that she was growing up, so some of the things she did throughout her childhood were evolving. For a child who doesn't like change, anything that deviated from her normal routine was concerning. She knew it was going to happen sooner or later. In her world, though, later was always her favorite option.