Halloween 2014!

By Irene Gomes @PetitePlusMeow

By now y’all know how much I love any excuse to dress up.  Costume and themed events just make my heart happy! :)

And this year there were THREE fun-filled nights over two weekends of Halloween Magnificence to get ready for!!!

EVENT 1:  Toronto Lindy Hop’s Halloween Dance 


This was a tricky costume to come up — All I knew was that this fabulous blue fringed wig NEEDED to be a part of it.  Plus,  whatever I came up with, I needed to wear something that was ‘dance appropriate’ … i.e.  something I could sweat and move comfortably in AND one that kept  ‘the girls’ demure and tamed for close dancing with strangers ;)


Tah-Dah!!!  Dressed head-to-toe in blue (peplum top & pencil skirt from Forever21, patterned leggings from Old Navy) with a fabulous musical fascinator (Thanks for your craft work Erin!)  Sooo….. What am I?   Any guesses?



Pretty fun night dancing away to the Tia Brazda Swing Band … who dressed up in Halloween splendour too!  Love it!

Love that the Toronto Lindy Hop community is sooooo into dress up too!  Just love this pic!!!  For full album of pics click here.

I’m happy to report that my wig and headgear stayed on all night….even during spins and dips and everything.  It only slip off once ;)  

EVENT 2:  Impromptu drinking and dancing in The Village on Church St. – Toronto

On Halloween Night, the rain killed all original plans to parade around Church St. in Day-of-the-Dead makeup.  Sooooo ended up drinking with a last-minute posse of peoples I haven’t seen in ages, in my skeleton inspired sweater dress from Damzels.   A chubby skeleton – HA!  Kinda funny, no? :)

Me in my Day-of-the-Dead Mask (from Claire’s Accessories), Skeleton-esk finger mittens (from Old Navy) and Skeleton inspired sweater dress (from Damzels Doll Factory).

I’m not gonna lie …. the drinking might have gotten a wee bit outta control this night.  Followed by a cab ride into The Village for dancing and pancakes in the wee hours of the AM.  Needless to say, I was bed ridden the entire next day, until it was time to get into costume #3!!!

Check out the crazy long line up in the rain for the Cadbury Chocolate Factory on Halloween night! It was nuts!

EVENT 3:  Retro Video Dance Party’s Halloween Night @The Mod Club –  Toronto

And the best for last …. “SHE-RA! SHE-RA!” {insert musical interlude here}

I’ve been wanting to dress as She-ra for Halloween for as long as I can remember.  Sadly, store-bought costumes were all extremely little with zero options for a plus size bod like mine.  Le sigh…

I shared my story of disappointment with the talented Carmen of CNL Designs , plus sent her a link to this DIY costume I found via The Stylish Geek,  to help her get all the pieces together and TA-DAH!!!  Magic happened!!!

Entire costume from crown to cape to boot covers made by CNL Designs. Sword from Dollarama. Blonde wig from Black Market Vintage. And the AH-MAZING ‘industrial strength’ Strapess Bra from Cacique, Lane Bryant.

Princess of Power with Marilyn Monroe (aka the Birthday Girl that night)

There were some impressive costumes at this party — including Bret ‘The Hitman’ Heart, Bjork, and The Shinning’s Grady Twins (creepiest costumes there that night…yikes!)

My favorite pic of the night: Shera vs. Thor!!!!

There was a lot of dancing and I’m happy to report that the costume held up pretty well all night.  Minus my crown tips sadly as you can see below …sigh

“For the honor of Greyskull….I AM SHE-RA!!!!!”

Sadly, I didn’t win for best costume (wasn’t even in the running….sigh). :(

But you know who did? Someone from my posse —  A Tribute to Robin Williams!  Isn’t she amazing!!!!

Soooooo there you have it friends!!!  THREE costumes for Halloween 2014!

Which one did you like best?  What did you all dress as for Halloween?  Tell me all about it in the Comments section :)

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