Did you know that Halley’s Comet was being spotted by observers since B.C. 240?
It’s been 2255 years since it’s been first seen and Halley’s Comet is visible from Earth only once every 75 years, but the meteor shower created from the tail of the comet comes around every single year.
This year’s meteor shower, aka “Eta Aquarid”, takes place from April 21 through May 20, but the best time to catch a glimpse – when the most meteors are streaking across the sky – will be the night of Tuesday May 5 through to the next morning.
According to Accuweather, the best time to see the shower will be from the evening of Tuesday, May 5 through the morning of Wednesday, May 6.
There are a number of mobile apps you can use, like SkyView or check out the livestream below via Slooh beginning Wednesday, May 6 at 10am AEST: